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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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Showing posts from December, 2020

"Sex is Divine"

From an early age children are taught that sex is sin. A girl grows and a boy grows; adolescence comes and they are married – then a journey into passion commences in the set conviction that sex is sin. In India the girl is also told her husband is God. How can she revere as God so…

"Sex is not to be condemned"

Look at Shiva with his consort, Devi. Look at them! They don’t seem to be two – they are one. The oneness is so deep that it has even gone into symbols. We all have seen the Shivalinga. It is a phallic symbol – Shiva’s sex organ – but it is not alone, it is based in Devi’s vagina. …

"Tantra means: the transformation of love into meditation"

Love is the first door. Through it, you can move away from time. That is why everyone wants to be loved, everyone wants to love. And no one knows why so much significance is given to love, why there is such a deep longing for love. And unless you know it rightly, you can neither love…

"Start with Love"

WHILE BEING CARESSED, SWEET PRINCESS, ENTER THE CARESSING AS EVERLASTING LIFE.       Shiva starts with love. This technique is concerned with love, because love is the nearest thing in your experience in which you are relaxed. If you cannot love, it is impossible for you to relax. If yo…

"Tour over The Yoni"

If you would like, you can now take the time to look at your yoni. For this, you will need a mirror. Ask your yoni how it would like to be touched. You can also celebrate the exploration of your yoni together with a partner, as long as you know each other well and trust one another…

"Sexuality & Sensuality"

Throughout history, and in different cultures around the world, women have been assigned various roles-sometimes as initiators or love goddesses, at other times as tools of the devil or as playthings of man. Somehow we are consigned to extremes either of beauty and purity or of sin…


Sometimes a glimpse into the center suddenly happens, if you are relaxed. There are moments when you are relaxed. You are in love: for a few moments, for a single moment, your lover, your beloved is with you. It has been a long desire, a long effort, and at last your beloved is wit…

"Off The Center"

Man has a center, but he lives off of it – off the center. That creates an inner tension, a constant turmoil, anguish. You are not where you should be; you are not at your right balance. You are off balance, and this being off balance, off center, is the base of all mental tensions…

"Women & Yoni Massage"

A woman who has discovered her sexuality and draws strength from it is radiant, creative, and filled with vitality. She embodies the beauty of life and in turn attract this beauty like a magnet.       The yoni is the key to discovering this empowering form of sexuality; it opens ou…

"Sex Become Poison"

One Sunday a poor farmer was leaving his house and at the gate he met a childhood friend who had come to see him.      The farmer said, ”Welcome! But where have you been for so many years? Come in! Look, I have promised to see some friends and it would be difficult to postpone the vi…

"Energy Of Sex"

The simple truth is that sex is the starting point of love. Sex is the beginning of the journey to love. The origin, the Gangotri of the Ganges of Love, is sex, passion – and everybody behaves like its enemy. Every culture, every religion, every guru, every seer has attacked this G…