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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Breast Massage"

    The Tantric breast massage is a ritual that would allow a woman to receive sensual energy as well as unconditional love from her partner. The breast massage is a special type of tantric massage that focuses on the woman’s bosom. Massaging the breasts not only makes them firmer, but it also improves their health and helps in maintaining the much-needed balance of hormones in a woman’s body. Breast massage can also be thought of as a great way in which a man can pleasure, heal and also form an intimate bond with his partner. The breasts can be thought of as the seat of a woman’s sexuality and they need to be loved and honored before any other part of her body could be opened up to her partner.

    The breast massage can be slightly tricky because the breast tissues are delicate. However, if this has been done properly, and by exerting a moderate amount of pressure, then it would be quite pleasurable and simple as well. The space that you have chosen for doing the breast massage should be warm, inviting and intimate. It should be a place where your partner feels welcome and comfortable as well. Before you start the massage, express to your partner that the massage is purely for her pleasure, that she should enjoy it, and shouldn’t think about anything else.

    Start the massage by gently resting one of your hands on the woman’s heart and the other on her yoni and visualize the energy moving from your heart to your hand, and finally to her heart and her yoni. This visualization helps in connecting to your partner and has a healing effect and always makes use of it at the very beginning of the breast massage. For avoiding friction and any form of discomfort, make use of massage oil on the skin. Gently apply the massage oil onto her skin, and this is the first stage of the massage. The oil needs to be applied in circular motions; the direction of the motion should be from the center of the breast to the region towards the underarms. Keep caressing your partner’s breasts slowly and gently, while brushing your palms over the whole of her breast for creating a wonderful sensation. Establish a rhythm and keep repeating the moves consistently. If you are working in a clockwise motion, then maintain the same motion on both the breasts. There is another move that you can try, you will need to place your palm over her entire breast such that the nipple happens to be in the center of your palm and then fan out your fingers as if they are the spokes of a wheel. Now, gently bring them towards the center and finish it off with a gentle tug at the end. Repeat this.

    The second step would be to start massaging the breast once it has been fully covered in massage oil. The breast then needs to be kneaded in a gentle manner by lifting it slightly off the chest and then pressing it down delicately with both your hands. The other variation that you can try is holding the breasts in both your hands, and then gently twisting and kneading the breasts.

    The third step is to try and massage the flesh as if you are scooping out the breast by making use of your fingertips. The strokes should be really gentle and not rough. The strokes should be done in clockwise motion and then in anticlockwise motion.

    The fourth step of the massage would be to start massaging the nipples. Your thumbs should be placed on opposite sides of your partner’s nipples. Start by gently massaging the outside, around her areola. Slowly and gently, move your thumbs closer and gently squeeze her nipple between your thumbs and tug it towards yourself. Keep repeating this until you have managed to make a full circle around her nipples. Depending upon the way your partner reacts, you will have to manage the pressure that you are using.

    The skin around the breasts should be stroked and smoothed out, by making use of your fingertips you should move them towards the center of the breast and then away from it. Repeat the same steps with the other breast as well.

    You should end the breast massage in the same manner in which you had begun. End it by placing your hands on her heart and the other on her yoni. Visualize the warm energy from your heart move to your hand and from there to her heart and yoni. Keep breathing slowly and deeply and allow her to rest for a while after this. Breast massage is an enjoyable experience for both the giver and the receiver. It has a healing nature on both a mental and physical level. It is also a wonderful form of relaxation for your partner and is very easy to perform. Combine this with any other form of erotic massage if you feel like.



The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
