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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Women & Yoni Massage"


    A woman who has discovered her sexuality and draws strength from it is radiant, creative, and filled with vitality. She embodies the beauty of life and in turn attract this beauty like a magnet. 

    The yoni is the key to discovering this empowering form of sexuality; it opens our innermost core. The word yoni comes from the Indian Sanskrit and refers to the entire female genital area, from the external parts of the vulva to the vagina, uterus, and ovaries.

    No yoni ever tires of sending new signals as an invitation to us. We are connected to it at the most fundamental level, and we can neither ignore it nor ban it from our lives. Whether we are young or old, seventeen or seventy-seven, whether we are filled with beautiful experiences or lonely or traumatic ones, our yonis always maintain open pathways to our inner selves and will never be entirely closed to us. It is thus unimportant where we are in our sexual experiences when we decide to embark on a journey of discovery to the depths of our yoni.

    What we can discover on this journey is the flower of our femininity and the power of our independence. A woman who knows her yoni knows her desires and is able to communicate them clearly. This self-awareness and confidence find expression in all other parts of her life and are transferred to her entire being.

    When women are fulfilled and knowing as a result of close contact with our femininity, we are able to build bridges to men. We no longer need to defend our boundaries in a hostile manner, or to wait quietly for a man to fulfill our hidden desires. We ourselves know what we need and can express these needs in a clear and loving way. Men are incredibly grateful when they have concrete information and no longer have to search in the dark. When they know exactly what a woman likes, they are usually ready with their whole heart to translate this into respectful, careful, and loving practice. 

    First, we have to understand where we will find what-what happens when I open the outer labia; where will I find the clitoris pearl with its hood; what do the inner labia cover? Where do I find the urethra? Where is the opening of the vagina and that of the anus, and what exactly lies between the two? These questions may seem obvious to some, but I continue to encounter women who are surprised to learn that urine does not come from the vaginal opening but from the opening of the urethra above it, which is pin-sized and leads to the bladder.

    Where exactly is the mysterious G-spot? Does it even exist? Where does the vaginal canal end? The vagina itself is not a pipe that is always open and receptive but is made up of the upper and lower vaginal walls, which rest snugly on top of one another and have to be opened carefully before something can be inserted with ease. To know even this much seems very important to me.

    Once we are familiar with the external and internal areas of the yoni and know exactly where to find what, we can dare to go a step further: how do the different parts feel? Women can feel each touch clearly and will notice that the feelings become more intense as the relationship with the yoni becomes closer and more clear. Men have the possibility of letting themselves be guided by a woman, or guided by their own intuition, and thus become ever more aware of female body language. 

    In this context, it is useful to know that the clitoris is made up not only of the visible small pearl but also has a shaft with two legs-the entire thing has the incredible length of ten centimeters-through which it is present in the entire female genital area. Moreover, the pelvic floor muscles can stimulate the clitoris even without direct contact. Once we know how to use even these little bits of information in a practical way, we can enrich our sexual lives enormously.

    Many people stop after the discussion of anatomy and don't give much further thought to the subject of sexuality, but the sweetest experience of female sexuality can be found only by leaving the usual paths and diving into the depths of female sensation that are neither visible nor concretely touchable. This world opens itself to us as soon as we close our eyes and direct our attention inside ourselves.

    Humans are made up of energy and it is what keeps us alive. We all know people who have too little energy and who seem slow and tired as a result, and we also know people whose overabundant energy drives them to become uncontrollable in daily life. An electric toothbrush works if we give it energy in the form of electricity, and it stops working when the energy source is removed. Slower movements of the brush signal that the battery is close to running out. With people, the situation is very similar.

    The energy inside us affects our whole being. Our body, our thoughts, and our consciousness are made up of energy. Body, soul, and feelings form an indivisible whole. They are closely linked to each other through the endocrine system, the central nervous system, and the immune system. We recognize a lack of energy as pain, listlessness, or dullness.

    At times our sexuality can bring us into contact with intense feelings, which then have an immediate effect on our body and soul. Knowing this, we can choose to accept our ever-more-intense feelings. We can completely give in to them, using breathing and consciousness to bring the intense energy flow through our bodies, until we reach a point where we have suddenly become one with the feeling. It is in this moment that an infinitely deep and peaceful space opens up. In this space, there is no "I" observing from the outside; we melt and become one with all that exists.

    When we understand how the energy created by sexuality flows through our bodies, we can support and strengthen the process in a number of ways-in particular through our breathing. With the help of particular breathing techniques, sexual energy can be spread across the whole body, filling us with health and vitality. When the energy begins to flow, our hearts open and we feel happy, safe, and deeply loved. In this state we feel strong, confident, and alive. 

     We cannot truly understand this process, however, until it is rooted by experience in each cell of our bodies. Nothing can replace our experiences. The best massage technique in the world is of no use if we forget the love that is needed to heal our hearts and our humanity. This love leads us to new ways of creating respectful interactions with our sexuality.

    Yoni massage most completely in the light of tantric philosophy, which builds a bridge between body and soul, and between sexuality and spirituality. Tantra cultivates the senses to the point where we can recognize sexual strength in its full spectrum and use it for our health, spiritual growth, and mental presence. 

    Experiencing the depths of our sexuality allows us to enter new spaces of consciousness, where we recognize that we are part of a whole with which we are irreversibly linked. We become aware that all of our actions have effects on ourselves and our surroundings. From this recognition, which can be attained only with an open heart, we develop a desire to be responsible in this web of life. 

    Despite all the knowledge that we can gain about the yoni and yoni massage, the fact remains that we are dealing with a mystery that we should not desecrate by being too analytical or too narrow in our interpretations. It is a world that we can experience most intensely in the enveloping and protecting twilight between consciousness and the subconscious. An analytical light that is too bright desecrates the intimacy that is created when . we give ourselves to the process of yoni massage freely and without expectations. In the experience of this spiritual, powerful space, and in the peace that we encounter there, lies the uniqueness of yoni massage. 







The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
