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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Steps Of Prostate Massage"


Step by step Prostate Massage


    This is an intimate ritual and certain rules would apply to it as well. The receiver of the massage should be clean and the giver should have surgical gloves on, the tight fitting sort. It is crucial that the giver wears gloves to protect the receiver’s delicate membrane from their fingernails and also the rough skin as well. If the surface is well lubricated, then it allows for easier motion. The receiver should take a shower before the massage, and this will also help in building up anticipation for what is yet to come.  


    Face to face: For greater intimacy, you should opt for this position. Once you have fully undressed, the receiver should be seated, and his back needs to be reclined and should be supported by pillows placed at a 45-degree angle. Ask him to pull his knees towards his chest, and they should be slightly angled out. The resulting position needs to be comfortable for both the parties involved. The giver should also have an unrestricted view and access to the anus as well as the receiver’s genitals. The giver can either sit cross-legged or even kneel in front of the receiver. 

    For relaxing the receiver, the giver can start out by slowly massaging the lower parts of the receiver’s body, especially the area around their abdomen. During the initial phase, the receiver can opt to close his eyes, but later on, it is crucial for the receiver and the giver to maintain eye contact. The giver gets to decide when the receiver has been fully aroused and relaxed as well. Once the receiver is aroused, the giver should put on the gloves and then start lubricating the anus of the receiver. The process of lubrication shouldn’t be rushed and it should be done slowly. Start out with a circular motion and start stroking the anal entrance gently. The primary objective of this motion is to get the rosebud to relax. The giver shouldn’t ever poke at the anus using the fingertip. However, she should keep on applying constant pressure with the pad of the finger. Constant lubrication and steady pressure will allow the anus to relax and then the finger can easily enter. It does take a while, so be patient. When it is time, the giver will observe that the finger seems to easily enter the anal canal without any obstruction from the anal sphincter. The giver shouldn’t try to move the finger in and out of the anus and should instead keep it still. The giver should remove the finger only for the purpose of adding more lubrication.

    The next step is for the giver to seek out the prostate of the receiver. This can be done easily by slightly crooking the finger that is inserted and feeling for a roundish and a rectangular protrusion that is an inch or two inside the rectum. Keep applying pressure to the prostate and it will generate different sensations that would push the receiver closer to an impending orgasm. The giver will be able to control these sensations by varying the pressure that is being applied to the prostate. The ability to control the receiver’s ejaculation is through the manipulation of the prostate. The giver can massage the receiver’s penis or the receiver can do that on his own. During this cycle of arousal, the giver can start to move the finger slowly in and out of the anus to stimulate more feelings and this will stimulate the nerve endings that are in and around the anus. It is critical that at this stage in the massage, eye contact needs to be made. Three scenarios can play out. The first one would be where the giver allows the receiver to masturbate for achieving an orgasm. The giver can provide verbal encouragement. The second scenario is one where the giver can masturbate the receiver’s penis with one hand while stimulating his anus with the other. The third one is where the receiver might want to his penis to be stimulated but not directly. Gently stroking each lobe will help in stimulating the flow of semen through the erect penis.

    Facing away: This is a position where the receiver has got to kneel, with his knees apart and butt elevated, while his elbows are resting on a flat surface, like a soft floor mat with cushioning. This position should be comfortable for both the parties involved in the massage. The giver might decide to kneel or even sit in a spread-eagled manner and should be positioned behind the receiver. This would allow the giver to have unrestricted access to the receiver’s anus. The giver should also be able to reach between the receiver’s legs and stimulate his genitals as well. From then on, it’s the same as the previous method.

The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
