After the outer and inner labia massage, the outer and inner labia are surely awake, with blood circulating freely, which is a good time to enter into deeper contact with the clitoris. When we speak of the clitoris, most people think of the visible and very sensitive clitoris pearl. However, the clitoris is made up of four parts, through which it extends throughout the pelvic floor: the pearl (glans clitoridis), also called the clitoris pearl or tip; the prepuce (praeputium clitoridis), also called the hood or hat; the body (corpus clitoridis), also called the shaft; and the legs (crura clitoridis).
Like much else about the yoni, the clitoris varies widely in its size and shape. The pearl, for example, can have a diameter of between one and fifteen millimeters, meaning it can be tiny or the size of a hazelnut. Since the clitoris pearl is small and hidden in most women, becoming easy to feel only when they are aroused. Sensitivity and sexual stimulation are completely independent from the size and shape of the clitoris, however. Finally, the clitoris pearl is not always entirely round but can be pointed or sometimes even split into two distinct parts.
The length of the clitoris body is between one-half centimeter and four centimeters. This is the area behind the pearl. It is easiest to feel this shaft by rubbing your thumb and index finger from the pearl backward and then forward again. It feels like a round, movable, rubber ring.
The pearl and shaft are partially or entirely covered by the prepuce, or more precisely, the hood. This hood can be long and full or short and covered by skin. The hood serves to protect the sensitive clitoris pearl from being permanently stimulated, even though the pearl is entirely free and curious. For some women, you have to first pull back the hood before you can see the pearl. The legs stretch along the pelvic floor like an inverted "Y" along the clitoris shaft, though they are neither visible nor accessible to the touch. The total length of the legs is around seven and a half centimeters. When we add the length of the legs to the average size of a non aroused clitoris pearl (half a centimeter) and the average length of the shaft (two centimeters), then the entire clitoris, at ten centimeters (nearly four inches), is significantly larger than most of us assume.
Almost all muscles in the pelvic floor area cover the clitoris legs, and most are also connected to the sensitive clitoris pearl in one way or another. The two muscles of the ischium stretch along the edge of the ischium into the clitoris legs and cover them. They form two sides of a triangle with the clitoris pearl in the upper angle. The two sides are also connected by the paired, perpendicular perineal muscles on the surface. In this way, the clitoris is connected to all of the pelvic floor.
The average size of the non aroused pearl or tip of the clitoris is five millimeters. This tiny area alone is home to 8,000 nerve endings that transmit sensory perceptions during sexual arousal. The surrounding area adds many more nerve endings to this number, but the female sexual center includes more than just the pearl, shaft, and legs of the clitoris. It also encompasses the inner labia, the yoni court, the highly erogenous urethra with its pronounced system of erectile tissue that can be separated only academically from the sensitive area of the upper vaginal wall, as well as the perineum, the muscles discussed above, countless nerve endings, and a web of blood vessels. This entirety has to be considered when we speak of arousal in a woman. In the sexual reaction cycle, the clitoris, inner labia, and the frontal third of the vagina form one functional unit.
When a woman is sexually aroused, her vaginal tissue fills with blood, the clitoris swells to about double its usual size, and the muscles begin to tense. When this arousal approaches its climax, the clitoris pearl stands upright and, to protect itself against too much stimulation, entirely disappears under the hood. After orgasm, the clitoris reappears.
Women usually prefer a gentle and gradual approach to the clitoris pearl. A careful touch that includes the labia often makes it easier for women to relax. Activity that is too fast or too strong can actually overstimulate the clitoris pearl and reduce its sensitivity.
Most of the women enjoy touch of the clitoris pearl in combination with stimulation of the G-spot, either alternating or simultaneously. During the act of making love, it is possible to gently and extensively pleasure the clitoris pearl of the partner using the tongue, while sliding one or two fingers into the yoni to stimulate the entire G-spot region.
The world clitoris comes from the Greek root kleitoris, meaning "godly" or "goddesslike." Since the clitoris is the most exciting and magical gift of nature to women, serving only to give us joy and pleasure! It has no other function. Anyone who considers this genius of nature will never be able to say that desire in women is something bad, unnatural, or unwanted. Female desire deserves to be celebrated and honored. It is the center of joy and ecstasy.
Either alone or with a partner, find a pleasant and protected room. Make sure that your or your partner's body is properly prepared, for example through a loving full-body massage or loving, gentle strokes.
You can touch your clitoris while either sitting or lying down. Find a position that is comfortable for you, and of course you can change positions while you are doing this. If you are working to touch your partner, make sure that you are in a comfortable position as well.
Now make gentle contact with the clitoris, first by looking at it closely and then by gently and curiously beginning to touch it. How large is the clitoris pearl, and how does it feel between your fingers? Is it more round or sharp? How does the hood feel when you touch it? How big is the body of the clitoris, and how long might it be?
Now use sufficient lubricant and begin to touch and stroke the clitoris gently all over. Be careful for some time, making sure to keep your touch comfortable and pleasant for your partner, even as you begin to increase your pressure slightly. If you are massaging yourself, make sure to focus on your touch, since you will probably notice that the feelings continue to change. If you are touching your partner, ask her how firmly and how fast your movements may become.
Every once in a while, rest your movements and remain still so that you {or your partner) can fully understand what is happening with your feelings. What thoughts and memories are coming up? Are you feeling aroused, or rather sad and vulnerable?
Whatever you are feeling, allow yourself to feel it, and take deep breaths. When you close your eyes, do you see colors or is it dark? Do you feel weightless and lifted, or narrow and afraid? None of what you feel carries a specific meaning; none is particularly good or bad. The most important thing is your perception and presence. Do not judge your feelings.
You can now continue and think of different ways to stimulate the clitoris. For example, you can stroke up and down with your finger and thus stimulate the front of the clitoris, or you can touch it more indirectly from the side by taking the clitoris pearl between your thumb and index finger and playing with it. You can move the hood back and forth or carry out circling movements directly on the pearl. You can begin gently and increase the pressure-there are many possibilities. Play with it and see what you and your partner enjoy the most.
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