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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Uterus Massage"


    The uterus is a muscular, pear-shaped organ. It is located in the lower centre of the pelvis, between the bladder and the rectum. In non pregnant women, the uterus is about three inches long. It is made up of two equalised parts, the uterus body and the cervix. We can establish conscious contact with the uterus in physical, energetic, and spiritual ways. The cervix extends a few centimetres into the upper vaginal canal, where you can feel it with your fingers or look at it using a speculum. Usually, women don't notice when their cervix is touched, but many report that something changes in their feelings. Most speak of a pleasant expansion or a rising internal light.

    During ovulation, the cervix is at the very bottom of the vaginal canal; four or five days later it moves up again. Similarly, the structure of the cervix is different during ovulation. It is very compact at the beginning of the monthly cycle, while during ovulation it becomes softer and more permeable. With experience, one can tell by touching the cervix whether a woman is in her fertile phase. Women who use natural family planning can determine fertile days by observing the position and texture of the cervix in addition to evaluating cervical mucus and basal body temperature.

    Ligaments connect the uterus to the pelvis. These ligaments are very elastic and can adjust to the changing size of the uterus during pregnancy. With its active muscle structure, the uterus also plays a role in sexuality. During sexual stimulation and orgasm, the uterus pulses with rhythmic, sexually stimulating contractions.

    The uterus is the organ that dearly signals to women that we are creatures of nature and thus are bound to natural cycles. No other organ has such a profound effect on the life of a woman: The first period is the initiation to sexual maturity, which begins the transformation of girl to woman. The monthly periods reflect our continuing connection to nature, to the moon cycles, and to the rhythms of the earth. The lack of a period can signify a pregnancy, which presages comprehensive life change for women.

    Pregnancy and birth are the points in life when the uterus is probably most clearly in the consciousness of a woman. No other organ in the human body is as capable of flexibility and transformation as the uterus. Shortly before birth it can increase its size a hundredfold, yet six weeks later it can return to its original shape as if nothing had happened.

    The eventual conclusion of the monthly periods initiates menopause, announcing a new and decisive part of a woman's life. This phase represents the transformation from fertile mother to wise older woman.

    The uterus can be seen as an organ whose secondary function is to receive and interpret sensory information. Our knowledge of the past, present, and future comes from the uterus. It is the home of our intuition and the place from which we get our "gut instincts." Women often receive information, inspiration, or creativity spurts in the form of images or dreams; these come directly from the uterus. Once a woman is truly in touch with her uterus, she is automatically linked to the entirety of creation. Native American tribes viewed a woman's "medicine dream" -a vision or dream of the future-as holy information.

    The uterus is located in the abdomen, which we can think of as a type of drum. If the drum has too little tension, both energy and sound evaporate when we strike it. When a drum has too much tension, the sound bounces off without proper resonance and tone. But if a drum has an optimal tension, it can produce a strong and healing sound. If we drum for an hour or longer, we can completely enter another world, cross time, and access both the future and the past.

    It is the same with our abdomen and uterus. When the abdomen is too flaccid, it cannot contain our life energy, which then dissipates. If it is too hard and tense, we are not open or receptive enough for fresh energy and new information-these simply bounce off us, like a ball against a wall. However, if our abdomen has the right tension, we can receive, contain, and process creative and inspiring energies. If we want to bring our uterus and abdomen into the right tension, hatha yoga or another body exercise program can be very helpful.

    The uterus and ovaries form something of a centre, a type of heart in our lower body. Much like the heart, the uterus has a connecting function between the receiving part and the active part inside of us. This is also the view in Chinese medicine, which even describes a meridian that connects the heart and the uterus.

    No other organ has been the subject of as many hair-raising analyses as the uterus. The famous Greek doctor Hippocrates diagnosed women with the illness of "hysteria," hystera being the Greek word for the female reproductive organ. With this term he described a particular state of excitement, whose cause was to be found in a "moving" uterus. The uterus was understood to be like an animal that wandered to different organs and from there caused various symptoms. Only sexual intercourse and pregnancy would mollify this animal and cause it to return to its proper place. Galen, another important doctor of antiquity, also called for the sexual satisfaction of women to treat symptoms of hysteria. During the Middle Ages, when much of culture was influenced by Christianity, doctors advocated the removal of the uterus from a woman's body as the cure for hysteria.

    While today we might smile at the beliefs of doctors from those times, the truth is that even now the uterus is not valued as much as it ought to be; this is evident in many ways, including the fact that the surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) is often carried out unnecessarily. The uterus is a creative, energetic, and sexually active organ that cannot simply be removed when it is deemed to have "served" its function.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to touch one's own cervix in a relaxed position. For this reason, it is best to ask a partner to carry out this massage. If you don't have a uterus anymore, ask your partner to touch and massage the scars in this area.

    Prepare a beautiful and comfortable massage paradise with everything that you want in it, and begin with a loving full-body massage. It is very important that the entire yoni is sufficiently "awakened" before you enter the inside of the yoni temple. Now follow these instructions for the massage-giving partner.

    Place your warm left hand in the area of the uterus on the lower abdomen of your partner and, after sufficient preparation and the application of plenty of lubricant, insert first one and then two fingers carefully and slowly into the yoni.

    With both fingers, glide deep inside the yoni and search for the cervix. Depending on your partner's cycle, this can be very far at the top or slightly further down. Sometimes the yoni canal may feel very convoluted.

    With both fingers you can now lightly move the cervix. Try it.

    With both fingers, circle the cervix, while the other hand assists from the outside. There are subtle energies here that can be released through touch. Ask your partner how she is feeling.

    As receiving partner, can you feel your cervix being touched? If yes, what does it feel like? What emotions do you feel? What images are coming to mind? Is your perception changing? But perhaps you don't feel anything. Whatever happens, simply note it and take deep breaths, down to your uterus. Feel how your uterus is filled with fresh oxygen, and thus with new energy.

I recommend doing this exercise daily, ideally for a few minutes before going to sleep. It is worth it.

    Lie down on your bed or on a quilt on the floor and relax. Rub your hands strongly against each other so that they become hot and charged with energy. Place them on your lower abdomen, directly on top of your uterus.

    Feel how the warmth and energy from your hands flow to your uterus and thus create a connection. Repeat this two or three times.

    Now let your hands rest on your belly and take deep breaths down into your uterus to supply this whole area with fresh energy.

    Feel how your abdomen rises as you inhale and descends as you exhale. Focus your thoughts on your uterus and extend your contact with it.

    Ask your uterus how it is feeling, and what it needs from you to make this contact deeper. In doing so, be completely calm and open yourself to all thoughts, colors, and pictures that m.ay come. Do not be disappointed if your thoughts are unclear at the beginning-you will soon see them more clearly.

    Now you can ask your uterus other questions too, anything that is on your mind at the moment. Perhaps you will receive answers in the form of images or ideas, or perhaps the next day a friend will surprise you with a book on the topic you were considering, or the question may simply resolve itself inside you without your noticing. These answers often come in completely unexpected ways. Be open and present to make sure you can receive the messages.

The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
