As far as biological reproduction concerned, orgasm is not a necessity. But as far as spiritual growth is concerned, orgasm is a necessity.
It is the orgasmic experience of bliss that has given humanity in the early days the idea of meditation, of looking for something better, more intense, more vital. Orgasm is nature's indication that you contain within yourself a tremendous amount of blissfulness. It simply gives you a taste of it - then you can go on the search.
The orgasmic state, even the recognition of it, is a very recent thing. Just in this century, psychologists became aware of what problems women are facing. Through psychoanalysis and other psychological schools the conclusion was the same, that she is being prevented from spiritual growth; she remains just a domestic servant.
As far as reproducing children is concerned, man's ejaculation is enough - so biology has no problem; but psychology has. Women are more irritable, nagging, bitchy, and the reason is that they have been deprived of something that is their birthright; and they don't even know what it is.
Orgasm Is Your Greatest Source to Finding God.
Pornography is sex repressed in its natural space which has asserted itself through the head. And there are many dangers in it. One danger is: if you become too interested in pornography – which has happened all over the world – then the real woman does not look so appealing and the real man does not look so appealing. Then a great problem arises: your fantasy needs the woman that you have seen in Playboy magazine. But you cannot find that woman anywhere – whosoever you find will fall short. Now nothing will satisfy you. Slowly, slowly reality becomes unreal and the unreal becomes more real. But the whole blame goes to the so-called religious people….
That’s my whole effort here: to introduce a neo-Tantra to the world, a new vision of love and the possibilities of love, and an insight into the reality of orgasm – because orgasm is your greatest source of finding God, harmony, truth, the universal unity of all life. If you can be one with one woman, one man, you have the secret key in your hands. You can be one with the whole universe, with the whole cosmos.
I am trying to give you a totally new religion – a religion which loves life, a religion which affirms life, a religion which is a deep love affair with the universe.
The old religions are finished; their days are gone. Humanity needs a new perspective. Humanity needs a totally new mind – a new man who loves life, who is drunk with the joy of life, who knows how to dance with trees, and how to sing with birds, and who is not against anything but always ready to transform things onto higher planes.
Yes, sex can be transformed into love, and love can be transformed into prayer. When sex becomes prayer you have arrived home.
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