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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Tantra versus Tantra"

Modern Tantra versus ancient tantra.

Today many individuals like to refer to modern tantra in a derogatory term known as Neo tantra. Traditionalists say that the modern movement has very little to do with the ancient tantric traditions. While modern tantra sometimes does not a knowledge the valuable input received from these ancient traditions. This causes an incredible riff, and this is unfortunate since efforts from both sides of tantra are needed to bring about the desired changes in this world. I have noticed that after studying the claims I must reject the notion that modern Tantric is not from ancient sources as traditionalist claim, Let me explain:

Many elements of Tantric is pre-Vedic, this means its history goes back before the fourth century BCE, however, it is believed that Tantric writings have most of their beginnings around the six century BC. with the majority being added in the time of the eighth to the 14th centuries. Thereby this demonstrates that tantra has had many revisions during his time in history.

This causes a logical problem with the idea that modern tantra is not derived from ancient times, especially when one studies the fact that the Scriptures themselves speak about many of the sexual energies that can be used during modern Tantric.

So, this argument is not sustainable, since modern Tantra can be directly traced to the original philosophy that inspired its beginning. For it is mentioned in many parts of the Tantrฤloka by the philosopher and mystic Abhinavagupta. Especially chapter 29. It has evolved and too many traditionalists deviated from the actual practical principles of the original teachings.

For there are many who have changed Tantric so much that it does not even resemble the original forms. Whether this is good or bad depends upon one’s own perspective. I myself believe in a center-balanced approach to reform, without rejecting spirituality. This includes encouraging students to integrate yoga, sound, and especially spiritual practices into their tantra practices so they may be able to approach it from a balanced psychological and practical.

Today, if you closely study the modern movement that was prominent during the 1960s, you will find that is heavily influenced by Indian gurus. These gurus themselves were influenced by traditional Tantra. All traditions are created by originally a man. This originality in itself is creativity and its finest form, but if it becomes too unbalanced, it leads to such things as atheistic and humanistic tantra. Which itself can be an evilest thing, due to the lack of morality, teachers, and gurus of such a deviation would more than likely take advantage of students in their most vulnerable state, financially, and sexually.

After stating this, it is ignorant and unrealistic to believe that man cannot continue to evolve something. Since it was created by a man originally, it should be reformed by man, to prevent it from becoming dead and stale with the current social, geopolitical and economic society for which it is being introduced into at any given time. But it must also be done so with respect to its original Hindu and Buddhist influence.

Now addressing the idea that ancient tantra did not have a focus on sex.

There is some validation here, from a traditionalist point of view, today’s modern schools, are torn between business practices and time constraints. As of yet, I have not seen a tantra school application, which inquires to see if the student has the proper psychological balance and attitude necessary to receive such information as a school is offering. I believe most students do, however, I would like to see a tightening of the requirements for some classes. Some schools do approach it from this point but fell to encourage students to take up meditation and yoga, and some type of spiritual practice.

Also, modern tantra must learn to teach that non-attachment that must be practice during sexual rituals that are included in Tantra. Meaning the individual should not be attached to those who they are practicing with.

Without this, we are creating poor teachers for the future. All one most to looks at traditions like the five jewels ritual, and others in tantra to fully understand this principle. Again, modern tantra is falling short on this mark.

The traditionalists also must understand that when the practitioner is practicing with the proper yoga and the proper frame of mind and the act is done fully with consent, then it is very unlikely that the drive of ordinary sexual desire will spoil the Tantric ritual and its goal.

We must not allow the ideas of discrimination based upon individuals’ backgrounds, to be substituted for spiritual maturity. This would allow the creation of unhealthy practices that would interfere with this sacred science.

For I believe that modern tantra even though it is not traditional can continue to transform students into partners of Shakti and Shiva, which will meet the needs of the traditionalists around the world.

This in itself gives legitimacy to the modern movement.

All individuals who practice tantra and all gurus should share the same goal. This should be to create within the individual a higher illumination which will lead the soul to spiritual liberation from the cycles of reincarnation.

This means that secondary is the goal of pleasure and fulfillment. Balance to the middle must be achieved.

Other arguments that are constantly made today, that tantra to be legitimate must have a guru, this discounts the very idea of Shiva, God, and other forms of divinity being able to influence men and women. These deities do not need a third-party to impart knowledge and wisdom. Gurus due to the very limited number will now find themselves even less significant in the modern age of tantra. The day is coming where the elders in the Tantric movements and the teachers will be the ones who serve as the guidance stones for the future. This is unfortunate but true, due to the very number been attracted to tantra today. This reliance on a guru in Tantrik is called guruparampara. And even though this does make it easier for the student and follower of Tantric to walk along the path it is not practical due to the very fact above. Preferably, yes, but the numbers will not allow such.

Both traditionalist and new tantra practitioners must remember that truth that is freely given, must be truly freely given again.

Because of this spiritual principle, many within the modern movement has come under criticism. Have there been abuses, yes? Is it preventable? yes, but as with any child that is grown into an adult, there will be pains associated with such growth, currently plans are underway for a new association to prevent this in the future. So, there will always be a balance that must be achieved to offer the masses more enlightenment through tantra.

Tantra must follow the center path, not being a path of atheism, but also not finding itself on the path of fundamentalism. Either site is a hindrance to the practice. Either side can hinder the worship of God as perceived by tantra and its followers. We must seek the balance, and most of all we must seek reform, bringing those who really seek to help the word through this sacred science to the middle, we must not give power to those things that we do not believe in.

In the end, we have much more common than we do apart, therefore we should work to find a common ground. Once obtain then we should eliminate predators from our presence, and seek out those who truly need the sacred science. For tantra can change the very face of the earth when properly practice. For it is truly a science that encompasses everything, not just sexuality itself, but the conduct of the human spirit through the sexual principle and the energy that is generated by it.

I don't want to criticize anyone and I also don't want to argue with anyone, because tantra is the subject of practice, not discussion. I believe in reading, interpreting and practicing. We have to search our own way. Everyone has their own experience and we never explain our experience.


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A disciple needs a womb-like receptivity. Whatsoever is received is not to be gathered as dead knowledge. It must grow in you; it must become blood and bones in you. It must become a part, now. It must grow! This growth will change you, will transform you – the receiver. That is why tantra uses this device. Every treatise starts with Devi asking a question and Shiva replying to it. Devi is Shiva’s consort, his feminine part. One thing more.... Now modern psychology, depth psychology particularly, says that man is both man and woman. No one is just male and no one is just female; everyone is bi-sexual. Both sexes are there. This is a very recent research in the West, but for tantra this has been one of the most basic concepts for thousands of years. You must have seen some pictures of Shiva as ARDHANARISHWAR – half man, half woman. There is no other concept like it in the whole history of man. Shiva is depicted as half man, half woman. So Devi is not just a consort, she is Shiva’s other half. And unless a disciple becomes the other half of the master it is impossible to convey the higher teachings, the esoteric methods. When you become one then there is no doubt. When you are one with the master – so totally one, so deeply one – there is no argument, no logic, no reason. One simply absorbs; one becomes a womb. And then the teaching begins to grow in you and change you. That is why tantra is written in love language. Something must also be understood about love language. There are two types of language: logical language and love language. There are basic differences between the two. #futuretantricpractitioner #tantra #yoni #sacredsex #sexualenergy #selflove #amazinglove #sextherapist #chakratochakra #soulalignment #soulconnections #twinflame #sextalk #manifestthroughorgasm #orgasmicenergies #cosmicsexuality #tantricyoga #goddessenergy #venusenergy #awakendgoddess #lotuslovelightworker #intuitivemermaid

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The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
