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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"The Inner Law"


    The inner law is enough; no other law is needed. And if you need some other law, it only shows that you do not know the inner law, you have lost contact with it. So the real thing is not something imposed. The real thing is again regaining the balance, again moving to the center, again returning to the home so that you gain the real inner law.

    But for morality, for religions – so-called religions – order is to be imposed, goodness is to be imposed from above, from without. Religions, moral teachings, priests, popes, they all take you as inherently bad – remember this. They do not believe in the goodness of man; they do not believe in any inner goodness. They believe that you are evil, that unless you are taught to be good you cannot be good; unless goodness is forced from without, there is no possibility of it coming from within.

    So for priests, for religious people, for moralists, you are naturally bad. Goodness is going to be a discipline imposed from without. You are a chaos and order has to be brought in by them; they will bring the order. And they have made the whole world a mess, a confusion, a madhouse, because they have been ordering for centuries and centuries, disciplining for centuries and centuries. They have taught so much that the taught ones have gone mad.

    Tantra believes in your inner goodness: remember this difference. Tantra says that everyone is born good, that goodness is your nature. It is the case! You are already good! You need a natural growth, you do not need any imposition; that is why nothing is taken as bad. If anger is there, if sex is there, if greed is there, tantra says they are also good. The only thing lacking is that you are not centered in yourself; that is why you cannot use them.

    Anger is not bad. Really, the problem is that you are not inside, that is why anger creates havoc. If you are present there inside, anger becomes a healthy energy, anger becomes health. Anger is transformed into energy, it becomes good. Whatsoever is there is good. Tantra believes in the inherent goodness of everything. Everything is holy, nothing is unholy and nothing is evil. For tantra there is no devil, only divine existence.

    Religions cannot exist without the devil. They need a God and they need a devil also. So do not be misguided if you see only a God in their temples. Just behind that God, the devil is hiding, because no religion can exist without the devil.

    Something has to be condemned, something has to be fought, something has to be destroyed. The total is not accepted, only part. This is very basic. You are not accepted totally by any religion, only partially. They say, ”We accept your love, but not your hate. Destroy hate.” And this is a very deep problem, because when you destroy hate completely love is also destroyed – because they are not two. They say, ”We accept your silence, but we do not accept your anger.” Destroy anger and your aliveness is destroyed. Then you will be silent, but not an alive man – only a dead one. That silence is not life, it is just death.

    Religions always divide you into two: the evil and the divine. They accept the divine and are against the evil – the evil has to be destroyed. So if someone really follows them, he will come to conclude that the moment you destroy the devil, God is destroyed. But no one really follows them – no one can follow them because the very teaching is absurd. So what is everyone doing? Everyone is just deceiving. That is why there is so much hypocrisy. That hypocrisy has been created by religion. You cannot do whatsoever they are teaching you to do, so you become a hypocrite. If you follow them you will die; if you do not follow them you feel guilty that you are irreligious. So what to do?

    he cunning mind makes a compromise. It goes on paying lip service to them, saying, ”I am following you,” but it goes on doing whatsoever it wants to do. You continue your anger, you continue your sex, you continue your greed, but you go on saying that greed is bad, anger is bad, sex is bad – that it is a sin. This is hypocrisy. The whole world has become hypocritical, no man is honest. Unless these dividing religions disappear, no man can be honest. This will look contradictory because all the religions are teaching to be honest, but they are the foundation stones of all dishonesty. They make you dishonest; because they teach you to do impossible things, which you cannot do, you become hypocrites.

    Tantra accepts you in your totality, in your wholeness, because tantra says, either accept wholly or reject wholly; there is no in between. A man is a whole, an organic whole. You cannot divide it. You cannot say, ”We will not accept this,” because that which you reject is organically joined to that which you accept.

    It is like this.... My body is there. Someone comes and says, ”We accept your blood circulation, but we do not accept the noise of your heart. This continuous beating of your heart we do not accept. We accept your blood circulation. It is okay, it is silent.” But my blood circulation is through my heart, and the beating is basically related with blood circulation; it happens because of it. So what am I to do? My heart and my blood circulation are an organic unity. They are not two things, they are one.

    So either accept me totally or reject me totally, but do not try to divide me because then you will create a dishonesty, a deep dishonesty. If you go on condemning my heartbeat, then I will also start condemning my heartbeat. But the blood won’t be able to circulate and I cannot be alive without it. So what to do? Go on as you are, and go on all the time saying something else which you are not, which you cannot be.

    It is not difficult to see how heart and blood circulation are related, but it is difficult to see how love and hate are related. They are one. When you love someone, what are you doing? It is one movement, like breath going out. When you love someone, what are you doing? You are going out to meet him, it is a breath going out. When you hate someone, it is a breath coming back in.

    When you love, you are attracted to someone. When you hate, you are repelled. Attraction and repulsion are two waves of one movement. Attraction and repulsion are not two things; you cannot divide them. You cannot say, ”You can breathe in but you cannot breathe out, or you can breathe out but you cannot breathe in. You are allowed only one thing. Either go on breathing out or go on breathing in, do not do both.” How can you breathe in if you are not allowed to breathe out? And if you are not allowed to hate, you cannot love.

The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
