The goal of the tantric massage is to let you transcend the physical boundaries and attain a state of total consciousness of your body, mind and soul. This is a state of awareness and pure bliss. Therefore, the methods that are made use of would alternate between massage and movement, filled in with peaceful and compatible silences.
These particular extremes will be of help for both the massage giver and the receiver enjoy this experience fully. The result of this massage would be that you would feel refreshed and rejuvenated, not just sexually, but physically and emotionally as well. Tantra will help the couple in connecting with each other on a higher level, and the same is obtained in such a manner that it increased the intimacy they share and is easy once you get the hang of it.
Teachings of Tantra concentrate on the philosophy of living in the moment. It will let you experience the feelings of being fully in control and also help in relinquishing the same. Let go of any thoughts regarding immediate release and satisfaction, instead, focus your energy towards delaying your gratification. Follow the three rituals mentioned in this chapter, and the results will pleasantly surprise you. Don’t forget that the main aim of the tantric massage, it isn’t about an orgasm. An orgasm is simply a bonus that is more than welcome, but this shouldn’t be the driving force.
One of the critical concepts upon which the tantric massage depends is chakra. The entire philosophy of Tantra rests on the existence of chakras within the human body. Chakras can be thought of the vortices of energy in the body. There are seven major chakras and several other minor chakras. The major chakras are aligned along the spinal cord. It is believed that when all the seven chakras are aligned in the body, it brings enlightenment to the individual. Chakras help in harnessing the energy that is present in the Cosmos and also help in connecting with Divinity. These seven chakras affect the sexuality of a person. Therefore, let’s take a look at the manner in which they affect our sexuality.
The first chakra is the Root Chakra, and it is considered to be the basis of the human energy system. It governs an individual’s need for safety and security. This chakra is located at the base of the spinal column, and it is important to have a well-balanced root chakra for forming all sexual connections. This chakra helps an individual to trust their partner. Unless you are feeling safe and secure, you will find it difficult to connect with your partner. For sharing your energies in an open manner, it is essential to trust your partner. The root chakra is responsible for letting you trust your partner.
The second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra, and it is present between the root chakra and the belly button. This chakra governs the sex organs in the body. Feelings of guilt and shame can negatively influence the sacral chakra and would prohibit an individual from enjoying sexual intimacy like the one they are supposed to. Acceptance is the aspect affected by this chakra. Unless and until you accept yourself as a sexual being and your partner as well, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy intimacy.
The third Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, and this is related to appreciation. This chakra is present above the belly button and right below the sternum. It is associated with power and vitality. When this chakra is balanced, it lets an individual to indulge in a sexual act in a selfless and generous manner. Letting go of expectations is an important aspect of Tantra, and this chakra is responsible for it.
The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra, and it is the center of love in the body. It governs an individual’s ability of not just loving but being receptive to love as well. It is located near the heart. Any blockage in the energy generated by this chakra is due to the fear of loving yourself and also of loving others. Once this chakra is well balanced, a person would be able to indulge in passionate and profound sex.
The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra is related to self-esteem, creativity, and positive expression. It is located in the area around the throat. Sex is a form of self-expression, and when this chakra is not clear, sexual expression will take a back seat, and this will, in turn, affect your sex life. Only when you are feeling positive about yourself will you be able to let go of all your fears and enjoy a sexual act and be intimate with your partner.
The sixth chakra is the Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of your eyebrows, just above the eyes. This chakra governs your sense of intuition and wisdom. You will be able to enjoy any sexual act only when you let go of yourself and trust your intuition. Only then will you be able to connect with your partner beyond the boundaries of the physical realm. A person will struggle with intimacy if there isn’t any harmony between the partners.
The seventh and the final chakra is the Crown Chakra. This chakra is responsible for your spiritual connection, and it is the seat for divinity. When this chakra is open and well balanced, you can let go of everything around you and live in the moment with your partner. The energy from this chakra helps you in forming a spiritual bond with your partner. When this chakra is blocked, it is difficult to find orgasmic release.
When all your chakras are well aligned with those of your partner, you will be able to connect with your partner on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Tantric massage is also about forming a bond with your partner that goes beyond the physical nature. Therefore, it can be said that tantric massage helps in balancing your chakras and waking up the dormant chakras in your body. Here are a few tantric massage techniques that you can incorporate.
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