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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Oils For Tantra Massage"

    Do you crave love, intimacy, romance, sexuality, some sensuality, passion, better libido, cuddling with your partner and more? Well, the answer would be an obvious yes. 

    Everyone pines for and deserves to have a sex life that is passionate, exciting and sensuous as well. Let us take a look at the different essential oils that act like aphrodisiacs that you can make use of during a session of tantric massage. Essential oils can definitely help you in enhancing the massage. The scent, along with touch plays a great role in improving the intimacy quotient between partners. During a tantric massage, all the senses should be stimulated for creating a better experience. A sensual mood can also be set up by making the ambiance more sensuous. 

    When it comes to sensuality, essential oils have got a lot to contribute. There are cooling and warming oils. The cooling oils will help in calming down the nerves, and the warming oils will help in increasing and exciting your libido thereby turning up the heat in your sex life. These oils will help in opening things up and getting started. Let us discover the secrets of the essential oils that can be made use of during the tantric massage.

    There are various oils, I have mentioned here. Not all of the oils might seem best suited for you, but having a general idea of which oil should be used according to a particular situation will definitely come in handy. As they say, the devil is in the details. Getting the small things right will help in setting the tone of the massage and create a better environment. Some oils are believed to incite a sexual feeling and then there are some that can help in making it more sensual. So, why don’t we get ourselves acquainted with the essential oils that act as aphrodisiacs?


    It is probably difficult to find an oil that’s more romantic than rose. This is also referred to as the essential oil of love. It does help in opening your heart to receive all the love and strength from your loved one. It will also help a person in loving himself and get rid of any negative feelings they may have about themselves. All the feelings of unworthiness and fear can be shooed away. Rose helps in stirring desire, enhancing positive feelings of confidence and self-esteem, lifting your spirits and getting rid of grief. It improves the circulation of blood, helps in dealing with problems of erectile dysfunction, semen production, uterine functions are improved and it alleviates stress. It also offers a lot of hormonal benefits like reducing the intensity of PMS and supports menstruation, helps in dealing with cramps and also menopause.


    It helps in slowing down a racing heart, calming your nerves and relaxes your mind and body. It works well on emotions and acts as an aphrodisiac especially during times of bereavement. Regardless of the situation, ylang-ylang helps in providing the much-needed balance for an evening out of your hyper-emotional state or makes you feel better when you are upset. It has got a calming effect and is helpful, especially for making your sexual experiences deeper and more intense. It helps in evening out your rapid heartbeat and also shallow breathing. It soothes away the negative feelings of anxiety, fear and worry and instead gets you in a mood that’s receptive of some loving!


    Sandalwood is one of the oldest perfumes that has been known to man. It’s been in use for at least 400 years. It is an excellent oil for relieving tension and also for relaxing your muscles. Sandalwood can also be made use of for calming your blood pressure. In India, sandalwood is one of the most used ingredients and is combined with rose for making attar. This smell is sufficient to relieve pressure and stress. Add some sandalwood essential oil while a tantric massage is taking place to help your partner relax further.


    Like sandalwood, even rosewood has got a calming effect on the mind and helps in instilling feelings of both confidence and improving your self-esteem. It helps in cutting through depression and produces a more positive outlook towards life in general. It instills feelings of hope and optimism. These positive emotions will make the experience more sensual. Only when a person is open to receiving their partner’s love will the massage become more sensual.


    This is a common domestic spice, especially in India and regions of the Middle East. Cardamom has also been a part of traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for more than 3000 years. Cardamom has got a spicy smell that can help in calming the nervous system and relieving the mental fatigue that seems to be plaguing everyone these days. Cardamom is a really good reliever of strain on the nervous system.

Clary Sage 

    This has got some excellent benefits. It has a relaxing effect, facilitates in generating emotions of euphoria, feelings of well-being and is a really good aphrodisiac. If you are looking to introducing some creativity to your love making, then make use of this. It helps in putting things into perspective and helps in creating thoughts that are positive and inspirational as well. It also has the effect of balancing your hormones. Clary sage will definitely help you in spicing things up.


    Cedarwood has a nice warming effect. The overall effect is very gentle on both the mind and body. It smells wonderful and is an excellent option for a massage. It helps in getting rid of stress as well as muscular tension in the body. Why don’t you give this amazing scent a try in your tantric massage session?


    Neroli is popularly referred to as orange blossom and this scent can uplift the mind and also calm all your senses. It is a natural aphrodisiac and is commonly used as well. It helps in making the individual feel more confident and get rid of negative feelings like anger. It soothes your heart and calms you down. If you feel like your partner has got a lot on his or her mind, then make use of this for calming their frayed nerves.


    Patchouli can uplift one’s mood. It is not only a great stress buster but also helps in elevating anxiety and tensions as well. It promotes an overall sense of well-being and calms down your nervous system. Nervous tension does no good and this helps in letting go of it. A person will be more receiving if their nerves are calmed and this will make the experience more sensual.


    Jasmine has a pleasant smell and it has aphrodisiac quality as well. It works on both a physical as well as a mental level. This makes you emotionally balanced and cures your frayed nerves and elevates depression. Stress and exhaustion are the worst enemies for your sensuality. Jasmine essential oil can help you in getting rid of these emotions and, instead, fill you with an active fervor.


    Lavender is an all around healing oil and is commonly used for making a person feel at peace and relaxed. This fragrance can soothe your body and set the mood for some passion. Introduce lavender oil into your tantric massage by mixing two drops of it for ½ teaspoon of any carrier oil and gently rub it over your lover’s heart.


    This is fragrant oil that will balance your emotions and also gets the blood flowing. The balancing hormones will start getting circulated throughout your body and make the person using it more relaxed. Five drops of this in the massage oil will dispel all the negativity you may feel.


    Cinnamon would definitely remind you of warmth. Add this oil for adding some spice to your relationship. A few drops of this can clear your mind and stimulate you sexually. This is great for improving your skin and nervous system as well. 

    Starting out the massage with relaxing oil will definitely help in shaking off the feelings of your mundane life and relieve all the stress that burden you at any given time. It will fill your partner with positive feelings that can be transferred to your bedroom as well. The world that we live in fails to give importance to the need of relaxation. Most of us willingly strive and even put unnecessary strain on ourselves and run ourselves dry. The stressful lifestyle can be quite a buzz kill. One of the ways in which you can improve the shared intimacy between you and your partner would be by getting them to relax. Learning to relax and taking it slowly can improve the passion between couples. People tend to carry their insecurities into the bedroom as well. The following are the essential oils that you can make use of during the tantric massage depending upon your requirement.

    Essential oils that act as aphrodisiacs are jasmine, patchouli, rosewood, rose, sandalwood, neroli, clary sage, ylang-ylang, vetiver and amyris. The oils that can help in relieving anxiety are Roman chamomile, geranium, juniper, cypress, clary sage, frankincense, neroli, rose, ylang-ylang and mandarin. The oils that can help in relieving nervous exhaustion are tea tree oil, ylang-ylang, thyme, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, rose, rosemary, cardamom, clove, mandarin and basil. Make use of vetiver, ylang-ylang, mandarin, chamomile, and bergamot for dealing with restlessness. Jasmine, rose, rosewood, clary sage, ylang-ylang and jasmine can be made use of for battling sexual insecurity. Add a few drops of these oils to your massaging oil to create a better experience. For a full body massage, it is recommended that you make use of a blend of oil that consists of about 50 drops of your preferred essential oil and about 4 ounces of carrier oil like coconut oil, argan oil, sesame oil, sweet almond or even jojoba.

    Essential oils are usually mixed with different carrier oils for making aromatherapy oils. These oils are then made use of during aromatherapy massage. Each of these essential oils has got a different therapeutic benefit and an aromatherapy massage helps in channeling these therapeutic properties for refreshing an individual.

The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
