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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Tantra Massage"

Tantra is a healing technique that has been around since time immemorial. This ancient technique will help in healing and soothe your body from all the minor physical, as well as the emotional bruises, that people keep enduring on a daily basis. Tantra has been and is being practiced in our society in various forms like tantric yoga, tantric meditation, tantric massage and even tantric sex. Tantric massage makes use of all the dormant sexual energy that is present in the body for attaining a superior state of sexual awareness. It is believed that this energy has got the power to unite lovers by transcending the mental and physical boundaries and help in creating a truly ecstatic experience. The resultant bond is unlike any other.

The origin of the word Tantra can be traced back to Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, “tan” means to expand, show, or even manifest. Like mentioned earlier, Tantra is a healing technique and it helps in releasing the natural energy that is present within the body. It isn’t easy to master the art of Tantra, and it will take effort and time. It can take years or even several decades for performing any of the different forms of Tantra perfectly. Having said that, it is indeed possible to learn a few basic techniques of tantric massage that will help you in magnifying the pleasure that a couple can experience. 

Different individuals tend to resort to various means for relaxing and finding some peace in this busy world. Many people swear by a tantric massage for relaxing. Tantric massage is like any other regular massage. It is based on the notion that individuals who are sexually happy tend to lead a healthier life. Tantric massage involves the massaging of your entire body, including some of your sensitive areas. In this form of massage, both the persons involved should trust each other fully. 

Many couples have tried Tantric massage for one reason or the other, regardless of whether it was curiosity or the want of a better sex life, Tantric massage does yield positive results. Tantric massage is an intimate massage and it requires the partners to pay heed to what the other is saying. Most are under the misconception that this form of massage involves sex. However, this is nothing more than a misconception. This indeed is a sensual massage, but it doesn’t involve any sexual interaction. The receiver of this massage will have to allow the giver of the massage to have complete control over his body. In most of the cases, this massage usually takes place between  individuals who share an intimate relationship, but this isn’t always the case. Even a trained professional can perform this massage.

Some individuals might not be comfortable with Tantric massage because it involves sensual interaction. However, if you relax, let go and trust the person performing the massage, then you will realize how wonderful it is. If you like trying new things, then tantric massage is an experience that you should definitely try at least once. To put it simply, Tantric massage will make you feel like you are on a joy ride, without having to worry about anything or any physical boundaries or consequences.

As mentioned earlier, Tantra is a Sanskrit word, and it means expansion or manifestation. One of the most speculated theories about tantric massage is that it helps in releasing the dormant energy that is present in the body. It helps in awakening the “Kundalini.” Kundalini is the mythical energy that is present in the tip of the spine and when this energy is nudged from its inertia, it starts the healing process and spreads throughout the body. Tantric massage is an excellent stress buster and it helps the receiver relax and find peace. It is based on the belief that sexually happy people tend to lead a healthier life. Tantric massage will help the couples indulging in it in attaining a greater degree of intimacy and sexual pleasure as well. It can also be made use of as a medium for forging trust, love and intimacy. Tantric massage will help in bringing the couple closer.

Tantric massage is an erotic massage and it requires the mind and spirit of an individual to be free. This is achieved by awakening the dormant sexual energy that is present in the body. A regular massage will help in soothing minor physical and mental bruises. The main difference between a regular massage and a tantric massage is that in tantric massage, every part of the body is massaged and it isn’t restricted to only a particular area. It can also be thought of as a medium that is capable of traversing the sexual energy that is present within your body. The different strokes and touches used in tantric massage are comparatively light and fluttery when compared to the strokes that are used in any other type of massage such as deep tissue massage.

Even though tantric massage is an erotic massage, the main aim of this massage isn’t penetration. You can think of orgasms as a bonus. It will bring you and your partner closer on various levels. It isn’t just a physical form of letting go of stress. It is all about love, respect and intimacy shared between the partners. There’s an obvious impact of tantric massage on an individual’s sex life. The reason for this is quite simple. 

Tantric massage helps in freeing up all the dormant sexual energy that is present in the body. When this dormant sexual energy is unleashed, a person’s sex drive will experience a positive change. The best way in which you can get your partner engaged in this would be by openly discussing the idea of tantric massage with him/her. Don’t hold back on any details or any apprehensions that you and your partner might share. Share your doubts or even any reservations that you or your partner may have about tantric massage in advance. So, take a deep breath, relax and let go. This is the only way in which you can enjoy this activity.

Tantric massage will make you feel like you are in a state of trance where there are no physical boundaries. The concept of time and space ceases to exist and no problems will seem to be important or you probably will forget about your worries. Here’s a general overview of how a tantric massage would have to be performed. The receiver will have to recline on their back with pillows propped under their head and a pillow covered with a towel placed under their hips. Their legs should be placed slightly apart, and knees should be slightly bent. Aromatic oil would be made use of for gently massaging the person’s abdomen, chest, thighs, toes, feet, nipples and their fingers as well. Make sure that the oil used is slightly warm. Every single part of the body should be massaged. This will trigger your senses and awaken the dormant energy that’s present within the body. According to the ideas of Tantra, the whole body needs to be massaged, and this includes the ‘sensitive areas’ as well. These delicate and intimate areas are not only the centers of sensuality and lust but also the source of joy and fulfillment. Tantric massage will make you feel relaxed and yet truly aware of yourself.

The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
