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Tantras are techniques – the oldest, most ancient techniques. Tantra is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added; there is no possibility to add anything. It is exhaustive, complete.
Tantra is not religion, this is science. No belief is needed.
There are one hundred twelve techniques in tantra. These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind.
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"Tantra Is Amoral"

Tantra is not very well known. And even if it is known, it is very much misunderstood. There are reasons for it. The higher and purer a science, the less is the possibility that the masses will know of it. We have only heard the name of the theory of relativity. It used to be said that only twelve persons understood it when Einstein was alive. All over the world only one dozen minds could understand it. It was difficult even for Albert Einstein to make it understood to someone, to make it understandable, because it moves so high, it goes above your head. But it can be understood. A technical, mathematical knowledge is needed; a training is needed, and then it can be understood. But tantra is more difficult because no training will help. Only transformation can help.

That is why tantra could never become understood by the masses. And it always happens that when you cannot understand a thing, at least you will misunderstand, because then you can feel, ”Okay, I understand.” You cannot simply remain in the vacuum.

Secondly, when you cannot understand a thing, you begin to abuse it because it insults you. You cannot understand it! You? YOU cannot understand it? That is impossible. Something must be wrong with the thing itself. One begins to abuse, one begins to talk nonsense, and then he feels, ”Now it is okay.”

So tantra was not understood; tantra was misunderstood. It was so deep and so high that this was natural. Secondly, because tantra moves beyond duality, the very standpoint is amoral. Please understand this word: ’moral’, ’immoral’, ’amoral’. We understand morality, we understand immorality, but it becomes difficult if something is amoral – beyond both.

Tantra is amoral. Look at it in this way.... A medicine is amoral; it is neither moral nor immoral. If you give it to a thief it will help; if you give it to a saint it will help. It will make no differentiation between a thief and a saint. The medicine cannot say, ”This is a thief so I am going to kill him, and this is a saint so I am going to help him.” A medicine is a scientific thing. Your being a thief or being a saint is irrelevant.

Tantra is amoral. Tantra says, no morality is needed – no particular morality is needed. On the contrary, you are immoral because you have a very disturbed mind. So tantra cannot make a precondition, that first you become moral and then you can practice tantra. Tantra says, this is absurd.

Someone is ill, feverish, and the doctor comes and says, ”First bring down your fever; first be quite healthy. Only then can I give you the medicine.” This is what is happening.

One thief comes to a saint and he says, ”I am a thief. Tell me how to meditate.” The saint says, ”First leave your profession. How can you meditate if you remain a thief?

One alcoholic comes and he says, ”I am an alcoholic. How can I meditate?” The saint says, ”The first condition is, leave alcohol, only then can you meditate.” The conditions become suicidal. The man is alcoholic or a thief or immoral because he has a disturbed mind, an ill mind. These are the effects, the consequences of the diseased mind, and he is told, ”First be well and then you can meditate.” But then who needs meditation? Meditation is medicinal. It is a medicine.

Tantra is amoral. It doesn’t ask you who you are. Your being a man is enough. Wherever you are, whatsoever you are, you are accepted.

Choose a technique which fits you, put your total energy into it, and you will not be the same again. Real, authentic techniques always will be like that. If I make preconditions, it shows I have a pseudo technique – I say, ”First do this and first do not do that, and then...” And those are impossible conditions because a thief can change his objects, but be cannot become a non-thief.

A greedy man can change the objects of his greed, but he cannot become non-greedy. You can force him or he can force upon himself non-greed, but it is also only because of a certain greed. If heaven is promised he may even try to be non-greedy. But this is greed par excellence. Heaven, Moksha – liberation; Satchitananda – existence, consciousness, bliss, they will be the objects of his greed.

Tantra says, you cannot change man unless you give him authentic techniques with which to change. Just by preaching nothing is changed. And you can see this all over the world. Whatsoever tantra says is written all over the world – so much preaching, so much moralizing, so many priests, preachers. The whole world is filled with them, yet everything is so ugly and so immoral.

Why is this happening? The same will be the case if you give your hospitals to preachers. They will go there and they will start preaching. And they will make every ill man feel, ”You are guilty! You have created this disease; now change this disease.” If preachers are given hospitals, what will be the condition of hospitals? The same as the condition of the whole world.

Preachers go on preaching. They go on telling people, ”Don’t be angry,” without giving any technique. And we have heard this teaching for so long that we never even raise the question: ”What are you saying? I am angry and you simply say, ‘Don’t be angry.’ How is this possible? When I am angry it means ‘I’ am anger, and you just tell me, ‘Don’t be angry.’ So I can only suppress myself.” 

But that will create more anger. That will create guilt – because if I try to change and cannot change myself, that creates inferiority. It gives me a feeling of guilt, that I am incapable, I cannot win over my anger. No one can win! You need certain weapons, you need certain techniques, because your anger is just an indication of a disturbed mind. Change the disturbed mind and the indication will change. Anger is just showing what is within. Change the within and the without will change.


The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not philosophical – note this. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and inquiries. It is not concerned with the ”why” of things, it is concerned with ”how”; not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. TANTRA means technique. So this treatise is a scientific one. Science is not concerned with why, science is concerned with how. Tantra is science, tantra is not philosophy. To understand philosophy is easy because only your intellect is required. You will need a change... rather, a mutation.
